• Preceptor and Site Information

    Please fill out and send to Ray.

    Preceptor and Site Questionnare.docx

    Please fill out and send to Ray.


    Each site must have venue specific EAP's for all locations.  The EAP's must be posted at all venues.  Please fill this table out and send Ray.

    CAATE EAP_Table.xlsx

    Please fill in and send to Ray.

    CAATE Preceptor Profile.docx
    While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.
  • Information for Preceptors

    All preceptors must sign and date that they have read and agree to the Preceptor Guidelines on a yearly basis.

    Preceptor Guidelines October 2017.docx
    2017-18 AT Student Contact Info for Preceptors.docx

    2018 Junior Spring Rotations

    Junior Spring 18 Rotations.pdf

    2018 Sophomore Rotations

    2018 Sophomore Rotations.pdf

    2017-18 Senior Rotations

    2017-18 Senior Rotations.pdf

    FYI on some of the expectations and requirements that we have for our students when they go out on rotations.

    Student Clinical Education Quick Facts.docx

    ATP site evaluation form.

    Clinical Site Evaluation (September 2017).docx

    This is a voice PowerPoint presentation by Brandy Currie.  Part of the Fall 2016 preceptor Training.

    2016 Preceptor Training PP.pptx
    Class of 2019.docx
    Class of 2018.docx

    This is the evaluation form that the Seniors should bring to you.  Please fill this out and go over it with them.  The students are responsible for bringing this form to you and turning it in to me.

    Preceptor eval of senior student (2017).docx

    This is the evaluation form that the Juniors should bring to you.  Please fill this out and go over it with them.  The students are responsible for bringing this form to you and turning it in to me.

    Preceptor eval of Junior student (2017).docx

    This is the evaluation form that the Sophomores should bring to you.  Please fill this out and go over it with them.  The students are responsible for bringing this form to you and turning it in to me.

    Preceptor Eval of Sophomore Student(2017).docx
    AT Class of 2020.pub
    While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.
While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.