Department of Education Undergraduate Web Page

Welcome to the University of Mary Department of Education web page.  On this web page under the Bookmarks section are web links to online practicum and student teaching evaluation forms and under the Handouts section are documents that provide information about the Division of Education.  If you have any questions or request additional information please email any of the faculty members in the Division of Education.
Rod Jonas, Ph.D. (Professor) - Dean, School of Education and Behavioral Sciences
Carmelita Lamb, Ph.D. (Associate Professor) - Associate Dean    cla m b
Brenda Tufte, Ph.D. (Associate Professor) - Chair, Graduate Education -
Kim Marman, MEd. (Assistant Professor) - Chair, Department of Education-
Loni Miller, MEd. (Assistant Professor) - Elementary Ed Program Director -
Carmen Cain, M.Ed. (Instructor)- Emerging Leaders Academy Director-
Jaylia Prussing  (Assistant Professor)  Special Education Program Director -
Wade Kooiman (Assistant Professor) PE, Coaching & Sports Science, & Education Assessment Program Director-
Janet Bassingthwaite (Instructor) Early Childhood Education -

Meghan Salyers  (Assistant Professor) Student Teaching Program Director  

Michael Taylor (Associate Professor)- School Administration Program Coordinator-

Michelle DeGraw (Administrative Assistant ) School of Education and Behaviorial Science


  • Division of Education Information

    Name Description Status Source
    Department of Education Philosophy Required Deparment of Ed Philosophy 2010.pdf Edit Department of Education Philosophy Delete Department of Education Philosophy
    2010-11 ESPB State License Exam - Pass Rates Required Assessment Pass Rates 2010-11 (web page).pdf Edit 2010-11 ESPB State License Exam - Pass Rates Delete 2010-11 ESPB State License Exam - Pass Rates
    2016-2017 Department of Education Handbook
    Required Dept of Education Handbook 2016-2017 (1).pdf Edit 2016-2017 Department of Education Handbook Delete 2016-2017 Department of Education Handbook
    While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.
  • Preservice Performance Data

    While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.
  • Ungrouped

    While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.
While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.
  • Department Education Information

    While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.
  • Cooperating Teacher or Practicum Teacher Interest Form

    While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.
  • Student Teacher Evaluation Forms

    (Completed by Cooperating Teacher or University Supervisor)
    While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.
  • Practicum Student Evaluation Form

    (Completed by Practicum Teacher or Coach)
    While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.
  • Student Evaluation Forms

    (Completed by Student Teacher or Practicum Student)
    While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.
  • Student Portfolios

    While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.
  • Ungrouped

    While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.
While focused on a reorder icon, press the Enter key or spacebar to "select" the icon. While a reorder icon is selected, pressing the up and down arrows will change the order of the selected item within the list. Pressing Enter key or spacebar again will drop the selected item at that location in the list.